Holland Library Resources

Locomotive UGMS

Take advantage of your existing train routes to provide continuous track testing eliminating the need for scheduled track time.
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Loaded Gauge Geometry Vehicle White Paper

How Holland's Loaded Gauge Geometry Vehicles find dynamic gauge widening and broken spikes.
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Industrial Track Testing

Learn more about the information you gain from track inspection to help maintain your track to standards, locate exceptions before they become serious problems, ...
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Gauge Inspector Hang-On Hi-Rail Geometry System

Real-time gauge measurement in a lightweight, portable mounting design that fits on any hi-rail vehicle.
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Gauge Face Angle White Paper

What is Gauge Face Angle and why is it so important for transits?
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Benefits of Flash-Butt Welding Versus Thermite Welding

The benefits of flash-butt welding versus thermite to make the best decisions for your railways.
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